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Injustice has to end.. & fast !

Our maid was terribly unhappy today. While working she constantly blamed God and her sister's misfortune. On asking the reason she burst out "My sister already has two female child and today she delivered the 3rd..She and her damn luck..The husband and her in-laws are very angry..They are planning to leave the child in hospital itself"

I was still in bed when her painful shriek reached my ears.. & her statement made me immovable.. My heart pained for the little child who was barely some hours old....innocent & unaware of the world she has landed into.. The people who have brought her to this world wish to abandon her within hours  merely b'coz of the reason that she is a GIRL !!!!!!

Where is a girl lagging behind nowadays???? She is excelling in education, competing on same platform with the "So-called superior" men to get job and excelling there as well.. They are managing work with home.. Giving birth to new life and fighting every second to prove their existence..  Still why is it that everyday in newspapers you will get to read some or the other article on  killing of girl child, human trafficking , sexual harassment & domestic abuse? Watch any documentary on crimes in India and 90% of them will have a girl on the victim end !!!

Its high time to stop this gender inequality..Coz progress of a nation doesn't depend on development of one gender and pushing the other gender into the darkness... To eradiate these ill practices concentrating on the root is very important... Finding an answer to this simple question can help in a way..."Why are parents aggrieved about birth of a girl child?? "

There are several reasons first and foremost is her security concern. A girl of no age group is safe from the hands of barbarians..Recently the whole nation was moved by a brutal rape of 5 year old child !! Not only did the insane rape her but brutally hurt her.. Sad part is it wasn't the only case of its type.. there are several such cases let it be a child or an old all are unsafe.. So its high time that such insane lots are punished.. such barbarians are given apt punishment so that everyone fears the consequences and stay away from performing such barbaric act..Trafficking is another big concern linked with security..Girls are forced to enter into the dark world from where there is no return path back home.. It high time to Respect girls..They are not sex machines..they have feelings, emotions and every right to live her life well..Its high time to make the world as safe for women as it is for men.

Another important aspect is the fear of dowry.. This is 21st century yet groom's family considers it birth right to ask for dowry from the bride's family. Each daughter becomes a loan for her parents and each boy becomes a source of income..The price is fixed depending on groom's education, family background and workplace.. Several cases are reported where a bride is ill treated at her in-laws place as her parents couldn't meet the financial expectation of the groom's family..Its high time to say a big "NO" to these losers.

We can make a difference... and We should... Live and let live peacefully !!!

Its a request to all parents to treat your daughters equal to your sons.. A person's greed can never be quenched so marrying your daughters to such spineless guys who are incapable of earning for themselves & depends on their wife's riches for fulfilling their dreams isn't a wise decision at all..Rather educate your daughters and make them capable of standing on their own legs...
Its a request to all the Men to respect the other gender..Speak up if you see any wrong being done to them.. Support them at times of need without finding faults in them..They too have the right to dream, laugh , enjoy & above all live.
Its a request to all Women.. Respect your own self..if you can't respect yourself you can never except that from others. Build a strong foundation of education..Don't suffer with closed mouth. You were not born to be tortured in any form. Live life without tolerating any form of injustice Coz.... "SKY is your limit U just have to aim for it !!!"
              "& Injustice.. it has to end fast !!!"


  1. They say "men will be men" and that is all we have to regret about, till the end of mankind (the end has "started" ).

    1. Not all men are same.. But the insane ones need to change & definitely b4 end of mankind :)

  2. Sometime I feel that its a curse to be born as a girl,not only in India but in any part of this world.The condition of women is much worse in some other parts of the world like Somalia,Uganda,Papua New Guinea etc.
    But the most shameful part is that India does not belong to the same category as these countries. Indian citizens are well educated and urbanized but the mindset of the people of India is still low on values!!

    1. You are true.. but every female must pledge to bring a change by not tolerating any nuisance..Every sensible Male will agree with us and support us as well on it..All ill-practices must come to an end fast!

  3. Really a very nice thought . A little bit contribution is required from every person to make a society that will offer protection to the daughters & girls of our country....

    1. Its good to have sensible guys like u around.. yes we all have to do our small bit so that a change can come :)

  4. Nyc attempt towards a new dawn

    1. thanks .. if by reading this article few people realize I will be successful in my attempt


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