15th August 1947, a date remembered, cherished and celebrated as a day of independence from British rule. The day is marked by flag hoisting, parades, singing national anthem and playing patriotic songs over all parts of India. This year during Independence day I was lucky enough to be a part and witness the celebration in Kolkata. The Red road was decade in Tri-colours , the whole ambiance was enough to give me goosebumps. The celebration began with hoisting of flag and singing national anthem. After which began the parade, motor bike formation, tableaux display and performance by students of various schools on different patriotic song. The effort of each and every person to make the celebration worthy was revealed by their performance but, I personally feel its a very small tribute that we can pay to the sacrifice made by the brave sons and daughters of Mother India. Those courageous souls tho didn't think once before sacr...
Some thoughts are better jotted down than spoken...